"Fertilize Naturally."

Rich in both micro and macro nutrients, KICKASS FRASS® stimulates your plant's natural immune system while promoting protection against pests and pathogens. KICKASS FRASS® promotes long-term health and longevity for both plant and soil, in contrast to the short-term aesthetic effects of synthetic fertilizers.

  • Garden

  • Houseplant

  • Tree & Shrub


What makes your fertilizer different from others?

KICKASS FRASS® is an all natural fertilizer made from insect excrement. Insect frass is made entirely from digested plants so it's full of the nutrients that plants need to grow robustly. Insect frass is also one of the few sources of chitin available (found in the insect exoskeleton). The chitin stimulates your plant's natural immune system while promoting protection against pests and pathogens.

How do natural fertilizers compare to synthetic fertilizers?

Natural fertilizers usually have lower levels of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium than synthetic fertilizers, but unlike synthetic fertilizers, natural fertilizers promote long-term health and longevity. Visible results may take longer, but you will be rewarded with both plant and soil staying healthier for longer.

Synthetic fertilizers give plants a quick boost but do little to stimulate soil life and long-term health and fertility. Synthetic fertilizers are highly water-soluble and can even leach into waterways. The rapid, aesthetic results of synthetic fertilizers can be costly for your plants, soil, and even your surrounding ecosystem.

What makes your products sustainable?

Frass is a byproduct of insect farming, which is already an incredibly sustainable operation. Compared to traditional proteins, insect farming requires fractions of the resources (water, land, and feed) and produces virtually no greenhouse gases. By repurposing the frass for use as a natural fertilizer we are a part of a circular system fighting waste, reducing emissions, and saving our soil.